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Myanmar Teacher Training in May

United World Schools Myanmar successfully organized teacher training in Tachileik Township from 23th May to 28th May 2022. One hundred and twenty community teachers from Kyaing Tong, Mong Hsak, Mong Young and Tachileik Townshops attended the training. In the opening day, Country Director Mr Kyaw Soe made remarkable opening speech. Afterwards, Senior Education Officers and Education Officers from United World Schools led the teacher training. The main objective of the training is to develop capacity and teaching skills of the community teachers. Within the capacity of community teachers, they have learnt innovative project based learning teaching methodologies and preparing assessment guidelines. United World Schools Myanmar is committed to provide very comprehensive trainings in the near future.

“I am very pleased to meet all the teachers from our UWS schools at the same place. We could share our experiences and make friendships. I could learn a lot of new teaching methodologies from the trainers. Especially, I’m very satisfied to learn how to get the interest of children to come to school happily.”“I am very pleased to meet all the teachers from our UWS schools at the same place. We could share our experiences and make friendships. I could learn a lot of new teaching methodologies from the trainers. Especially, I’m very satisfied to learn how to get the interest of children to come to school happily.”

Daw Ju May (Community Teacher, Kyauk Maung Primary School)

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